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Reading and thinking

A self-hosting lifecycle

Posted on  by Tommy Ku

This post is more than 2 years old, it may contain outdated information

Nowadays, I self-host my own todo list , pastebin, bookmarking chatbot, and YouTube downloader chatbot. At some point I had also hosted a note taking service and an expense tracker.

The takeaway I got from self-hosting web service is:

Self-hosting is like owning a pet,

you don’t have to unless you want to, but be prepared to pay and take care of it…

…except that you can abandon it anytime you want (kind of).

This post goes through the process I used to decide whether to self-host something, how to keep the service up-to-date and how to tell when I don’t need it anymore. I will mention a couple pitfalls I encountered when self-hosting that made switching or shutting down a self-hosted service difficult.

Before you decide to self-host…

First ask youself why. Same as buying a pet, you have to explain to the virtual parents inside you head why you need to self-host a service. Alternatives to the service you want to host is usually wildly available for free on the Internet, with perhaps more modern user interface, more fluent user experience and better customer support.

The downside of using 3rd party web services is that they are generally proprietary software, and you don’t always have an idea what they are doing with your data. So if privacy is your primary concern, you might really need to self-hosting it.

Yet let’s not omit the hidden cost of self-hosting. Think of the self-hosted service like a pet, it needs feeding (an VPS instance/server at home), grooming (software update/housekeeping), bigger bed as it grows (CPU/RAM upgrade), risk of being stolen (hacked) or used to serve other masters (hacked for botnet/cryptomining).

That’s why I said you might need to self-host if privacy is your primary concern. It may be better letting a reputable web service provider, especially those who have no interest in selling your data (who?), to safeguard your data than to self-host your service with insufficient security and leaving your data and server compromised.

There are more to think about in self-hosting something for the long term.

Instead of buying a pet, you may co-own your pet with somebody else too. I used to host my own expense tracking and online bookmarking service until I figured out that I could have done it the layman way using Google form. I use Google spreadsheet to process and analyse the data collected, without the need of writing and maintaining an app.

Perhaps there exists a simplier solution for the problem you intend to solve by self-hosting.

All that being said, there may just be a new service you found online that you really want to try in which it’s alternatives may be inferior or paid, then by all mean, go ahead to the next step to get a taste of self-hosting without committing to it.

Local-‘host’ the service

In the long list of awesome self-hosted free software, there are many with demos or screenshots. You could get a taste of self-hosting conveniently and for free.

Even if there is a demo server already running, you could spin up one of your own. To keep unwanted packages and residue packages/config files lying around after testing it, I recommend trying out self-hosted services using Docker, especially for those with a Dockerfile in their repositories already. Or, you could look up Docker Hub for preconfigured Dockerfile-s.

Setting up the service locally feels pretty similar to running it on an actual server, minus the security and housekeeping side of it. You will encounter hiccups that hinders the deployment, and at that point you’d have a pretty good idea if the software package lives up to its promise.

To me, many self-hosted services didn’t make it past this point. For some that did please you and delivered what they promised, you’re left with one simple question to answer (for now).

After all, A really simple formula

const goAhead = (() => (
  selfHostedService.hostingCost <= thirdPartyAlternatives.bestOf.cost
  || you.reallyLike(selfHostedService)


Yes, forgot about all the hidden costs of self-hosting because you’re super excited about the prospect of self-hosting. Why stop here? Go ahead and spin up a server! Let’s deal with the potential issues one by one later.

Self-hosting in 5 easy steps

Here I summarize 5 steps that’s essential for self-hosting a web service. It is better that you have had knowledge or experience in deploying a web service, yet it isn’t necessary. A bit of Googling around or reading the repository’s documentation should get you started just fine.

Step 1: Domain name & DNS

A domain name pointing to your web service isn’t necessary if you don’t mind typing in the IP address into the browser’s address bar, or that it runs without any user interactions (say, a web analytics service), then it’s fine without a domain name. However, with a domain name, you can safely redirect users to server at a new IP should you decide to scale up or migrate to another host later — just change the A record on your DNS setting.

A domain name helps you remember where your pet self-hosted service resides. You can get them for a fairly cheap price nowadays on any domain registrar. My personal favorite is because it provides free WHOIS information protection in which your personal information won’t be shown when people look up the WHOIS record of your domain. Yet with the advent of European Union’s GDPR, there may no longer be a need to get a WHOIS record shielding in a foreseeable future no matter which domain registrar you use.

You don’t need one domain name for each of your self-hosted services. With a reverse proxy you can host multiple services on the same server and point multiple sub-domains A record to the same server’s IP. More on that in a later section.

Usually, a domain registrar also provides DNS service so visitors to your self-hosted service can resolve the domain name into IP address of your service. For most of the time it’s good enough to stick to what your domain registrar provides unless it’s exceptionally old and crappy (like some .hk registrars unfortunately had to deal with before). Personally I use CloudFlare that just works almost all the time. It also provides DDoS protection by hiding the true IP of your service. You may have concerns over the security/privacy of a DNS service tinkering with your traffic. In such case, feel free to choose whatever DNS service you want.

Step 2: Hosting

The big cloud computing companies has been building more and more server farms in many locations in the world, and cloud hosting has never been cheaper and easier. You could spin up an VPS instance with free credits and a few clicks on the web dashboard of cloud hosting providers.

Personally I used the $5/month virtual machines by Linode and Digital Ocean, depending on which provides free credit at the time. If you’re a student, you may find GitHub’s Student Developer Pack useful as it provides hosting credit (at the time of writing) and lots of other goodies. Non-students can easily look up for free credits as hosting platforms seem to be on promotion all the time.

When choosing your cloud host, it is important to note the difference between PaaS (Platform as a service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a service). An PaaS provides the runtime for which your application runs on. You have little control over the operating system and software preloaded , say you may be given a MySQL database with a database, username and password, but not the root access to that database. Heroku, Google App Engine and OpenShift are some examples of PaaS. An IaaS provides a lower level infrastructure, say you can choose which operating system to run your application on and use the software packages of your choice.

Step 3: Server setup

Your server setup largely depends on the service you intend to host it on. Usually I use Ubuntu server coupled with Docker because there is an abundance of documentations and Q&A online. Digital Ocean has a guide that covers the basics of getting your server up and running. After following the guide you should be able to SSH into the server and as a sudo-er. In addition, I would disable root logon via SSH and disallow logging in via password for better security.

Running server software like Apache2, Nginx or whatever server that comes with your self-hosted server seems trivial, yet running them as Docker container has the advantage of less garbage files left behind after uninstallation. On my server, I am running multiple services in separate, isolated Docker containers behind a reverse proxy. Using this setup, I am able to run several self-hosted services on a single $5/month Digital Ocean droplet. In fact, most self-hosted services I host use less than 50MB of RAM, so given 1GB of RAM I can run a lot of them for cheap.

Step 4: Backup strategies

Even in a managed cloud hosting environment, nobody can guarantee your data is always safe. Natural disaster may occur, cloud hosting may get hacked, or erase your data accidentally . To prepare for that, you should backup your storage.

What to backup for your self-hosted service differs from service to service. Most of them would run one or multiple databases, and perhaps static files generated if you’re running something like a flat-file wiki. One reliable and free service to storing backup is Dropbox. Dropbox provides free 2GB storage and there is a command line tool Dropbox-Uploader useful for automatic backup to Dropbox.

You could first create a development app on Dropbox developer app console and obtain an access token for your app. Use this access token when setting up for the first time. Using an app folder helps to isolate the backup files of different self-hosted services to guarantee they won’t overwrite each other.

Here is a cron job I set up for backing up my database on a hoodie server.

to access some data I missed or I changed my mind.
# crontab -l
# Run this every 6 hours
0 */6 * * * /home/tommyku/backup_hoodie_dropbox

And this is the content of /home/tommyku/backup_hoodie_dropbox.


rm -f /home/tommyku/backups/hoodie_couchdb/backup.tgz
docker run --rm --volumes-from progressiveworkla7headserver_couchdb_1 -v /home/tommyku/backups/hoodie_couchdb:/backup ubuntu tar zcvf /backup/backup.tgz /usr/local/var/lib/couchdb
bash /home/tommyku/ -f /home/tommyku/dropbox_uploader.conf -s delete /hoodie_couchdb/backup.tgz
bash /home/tommyku/ -f /home/tommyku/dropbox_uploader.conf -s upload /home/tommyku/backups/hoodie_couchdb /

This backup scheme has been running for well over a year, and I have never encountered any problem with it. Two things you could also consider are logging each backup attempt and figuring out how to restore the backups when shit does hit the fan.

Step 5: Up and running

Now that you have the service set up, you can hit up your browser or your device to start testing out your self-hosted service. Good, it works, for now.

You may consider adding a service monitor that notifies you if your service goes down for some reason. I am using the free tier of UptimeRobot to monitor my server. It sends out ping/HTTP requests in an interval to see if your server is alive and responding. You can even set up a status page like this where your users can refer to when the server goes down for an extensive period of time.

Not just my own service

Good, you have a working self-hosted service. It may not be the best use of resource when it’s just you using it. The service is cool and you want everybody you know, even your dog to use it. Then you should consider non-anonymous access or authentication on your self-hosted service.

Most self-hosted service come with user management. You might want to disable new user sign up by toggling config flags, or even removing the route to user sign up page from source code directly. There is no guarantee that a self-hosted service written by someone else would fit your use case perfectly, so tinker around, don’t be afraid to change their source code.

Service just for myself

I have been adding restricted access through whitelist of Telegram user ID in my Telegram bots , or stupidly long username:password pair for my Nginx file server. Mind that security through obscurity is never a good idea though. Once a mischievous friend gets literate enough to figure out your secret URL, then you’re doomed.

I have seen bots trying to get into wp-admin of my site even though it is not running WordPress. So be careful if you’re running someone eles’s software. You need to apply security patches and upgrade regularly to mitigate security risks.


Like habit-forming, keeping a habit is harder than getting started. Once you have a self-hosted service up and running, you will face hacking attempts by bots and unending amount of security patches and upgrades to apply. You should follow the release page of your self-hosted service for any new version, especially critical security patches unless your service comes with automatic update check like WordPress.

With each upgrade there comes a risk of breaking what was originally working. Data may get lost or become gibberish. Even if this upgrade go well, how about the next one? Backing up your data is thus essential to the integrity of your service (We have covered that part).

In addition to keeping your service up to date, you should also keep the OS up to date as well. Ubuntu applies security patches automatically so I am fairly content with that, but I still need to logon to my server once in a while to upgrade the docker images for my reverse proxy and other infrastructures.


Deprecating a service is a tough choice, especially once you have tons of data in proprietary format that only the code of your self-hosted service understands. Therefore, it’s important that your service provides an ‘exit option’, say exporting to JSON/XML, or that it stores data in flat-file format in the first place. A web scraper may come in handy should your service refuse to provide any exporting option.

Powering down and destroying an instance is the easiest way to terminate a service. Generally, I would take a snapshot of the instance and keep it for at least a month so I can spin it back up should I need to access some data I missed or I changed my mind.

If your service is used by multiple people and it isn’t your choice to shut it down, you should consider who to delegate the tasks of maintenance and paying bills. Or if they need to migrate to another host, how to ensure the migration is smooth and safe from data loss.

In this post I have gone through the lifecycle of self-hosting a service using my personal experience and some thoughts I had when I was running my services. Self-hosting isn’t an easy task given so much to consider and to maintain in the long term. Perhaps we should expand the simple formula to

const goAhead = (() => (
  selfHostedService.hostingCost + selfHostedService.effort < thirdPartyAlternatives.bestOf.cost
  && selfHostedService.lifeTimeValue > thirdPartyAlternatives.bestOf.lifeTimeValue
  && you.canMaintain(selfHostedService)
  || you.reallyLike(selfHostedService)


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About the author

Profile pic of Tommy Ku

Tommy Ku, a Hong Kong-based Software Engineer experienced developing PHP and Java-based web solutions and passionate in Web technology.

Also a hobbyist digital and film photographer.